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What are maintenance services?

Maintenance services are tasks that you can request from us, in the form of lists of changes that need to be made to the website, implementation of functionalities additional server configurations, etc.

Maintenance is counted based on the time of completion of the tasks, and will be billed at a certain price per hour of work, under the terms of the contract closed.

Flexible maintenance
pay as much as you use
unlimited validity
invoice at one month or 5 hours
recommended: occasional tasks
* exclusive VAT
66 / hour
Maintenance 5
5 hours of maintenance
1 month of validity
equivalent 59 € / hour
recommended: average tasks, errors, updates
save 35€ - 10% * prepaid * exclusive VAT
295 / package
Maintenance 10
10 hours of maintenance
3 months of validity
6 months of validity
equivalent 55 € / hour
hours distribution as needed
6 months package validity!Offer expire on 28.02.2025
save 110€ - 20% * prepaid * exclusive VAT
550 / package

How can we help you?

We offer a package of services optimized for your business, that provide a fast online development.

Maintenance customers

50+ clients, 100,000+ hours dedicated to projects, and the journey continues!